Our Presentation
     For our presentation, we are performing a newscast to portray the problem and our solution for heat exhaustion. Our newscast will include segments including weather, sports, and interviews. We have designed a virtual product that measures body temperature, pulse, heart rate, blood pressure,  and perspiration rate. You can read all about our product on Our Product  page.

Definition of Hyperthermia:
     Hyperthermia is Hyperthermia is an elevated body temperature due to failed thermoregulation

Description of Hyperthermia:
     Warm weather and outdoor activity go hand in hand. However, it is important for older people to take action to avoid the severe health problems often caused by hot weather. The temperature does not have to hit 100 degrees for a person to be at risk. Both one's general health and/or lifestyle may increase a person's chance of suffering a heat-related illness.