The Heat Wave 360
Our Product Can Tell You...

- The humidity
- The temperature
- Your temperature
- Your perspiration rate
-  Your blood pressure
- Your heart rate
- Your BMI
Your cortisol levels
- The time

And so much more!

There is also an upcoming version that allows you to listen to music as you wear your Heat Wave 360
Our product is the called the Heat Wave 360. It is a watch that comes in many colors and can protect your health. It has an infrared thermometer to detect when a person is becoming overheated.The screen changes colors to tell you about your body's condition. Clear means your temperature is normal, yellow means you need to start drinking more liquids, orange signals you need to stop, red means that you're overheated. The Heat Wave 360 also has a spit spot, which uses cortisol(the stress hormone) levels to measure your core body temperature.

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